The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Pathway offers Emergency Medicine residents comprehensive exposure to EMS and the different facets of prehospital medicine. Residents will have the opportunity to experience ground and flight emergency transport, EMS operations, search and rescue, event medicine, mobile integrated health, disaster medicine, tactical medicine, wilderness medicine, and hazmat/CBRNE.
Goals and Objectives

- Develop familiarity with different EMS system designs and operations
- Learn the basic resources available for the out-of-hospital care of the patient and how management differs from the hospital setting
- While in the field, demonstrate respect, compassion and effective communication with patients, families, and professional associates
- Become familiar with the planning process for disaster management, mass gathering, hazardous materials, and regional disaster preparedness

- Field Experience: Participates will complete ride-alongs with Grady EMS, as well as other EMS services in the Greater Atlanta area. Participates will be exposed to various types of EMS systems (hospital-based, fire-based, private, etc.). Participates will also complete additional ride-alongs with a specialized service or area of focus in EMS (eg. MIH, Stroke, Special Operations, etc)
- Education & Scholarship: Residents will be required to complete a pre-hospital focused scholarly activity. The scholarly activity can include the following: QI project, abstract submission, article submission to The Pulse (SAEM or an EMS-related website, or significant contribution to an EMS-related research project). Residents will be expected to participate in the EMS section journal club. Residents will present an EMS topic of interest in resident didactics, as well as contribute to a teaching activity for an EMS educational event/course
- Event Medicine: Participants will experience medical management during a special event, concert or sporting event. This will be in addition to the Peachtree Road Race that all Emory EM residents experience during PGY1 year
- EMS month: Participates must complete all requirements of their EMS month during PGY1 year
- Mentorship: Emory EM has a prehospital and disaster medicine section which offers access to faculty with robust experience in different facets of prehospital medicine. Residents will be able to choose an EMS faculty mentor of their choice during their PGY1 year. Residents who have a desire to pursue fellowship or would like to work in one of these subspecialties after the completion of their training will benefit from the opportunities Emory’s EMS section has to offer