Welcome Back
It is interesting to be a graduate of the Emory Emergency Medicine Residency Program and also work as an attending at the same facilities where we have all trained. To see through the new intern’s eyes is always humbling yet exciting. With a bit of unease, they precariously navigate through the same Grady/Emory waters only to come out as EM graduates who hold steady in their beliefs and patient care. It is a fantastic transformation.
Reminiscing on a shift, I will inadvertently say to an intern, "Well, you know when I was a resident, things were much worse, can you imagine if you had to ... fill in your own Gradyism ... discuss a patient’s vital organ doing something it shouldn’t … throw in a duty hour reference … and end with, I made it through fine.”
Usually, I am met with puzzled stares and sometimes an eye roll or two that indicates Dr. White really blows things out of proportion. Seriously though, the current residents are faced with obstacles as difficult as any we ever faced, and you will be proud of them as they leave our program with the Emory name.
Melissa White, MD, MPH
Director of Alumni Relations and Engagement
BS, Emory College '94
MPH, Rollins School of Public Health '97
Residency, Emory Emergency Medicine '05
The Residency's 50th Anniversary Celebration
As we plan for the 50th Anniversary Celebration happening in October 2025, we would love to include you in communication about the event. Please use the link below to be included in future communication from the Emory EM team about the events for the big anniversary weekend.
Complete this brief Qualtrics Survey to Stay in Touch for the Residency's 50th Anniversary Weekend