Recent Publications
- Collin LJ, Gaglioti AH, Beyer KMM, Zhou Y, Moore MA, Nash R, Switchenko JM, Miller-Kleinhenz JM, Ward KC, McCullough LE. Neighborhood-level redlining and lending bias are associated with breast cancer mortality in a large and diverse metropolitan area. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2020 Oct 2:cebp.1038.2020. PMID: 33008873.
Do, W. L., Conneely, K., Gabram-Mendola, S., Krishnamurti, U., D'Angelo, O., Miller-Kleinhenz, J., Gogineni, K., Torres, M., & McCullough, L. E. (2020). Obesity-associated methylation in breast tumors: a possible link to disparate outcomes?. Breast cancer research and treatment, 181(1), 135–144.
Maliniak, M. L., Cheriyan, A. M., Sherman, M. E., Liu, Y., Gogineni, K., Liu, J., He, J., Krishnamurti, U., Miller-Kleinhenz, J., Ashiqueali, R., He, J., Yacoub, R., & McCullough, L. E. (2020). Detection of crown-like structures in breast adipose tissue and clinical outcomes among African-American and White women with breast cancer. Breast cancer research : BCR 22(1), 65.
Justin T. Nguyen, David J. Civitello, Karena H. Nguyen. 2020. Evaluating environmental drivers of disease outbreaks from seasonal trends. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, Vol. 16: Practice #1.
Devin Jones, David Davila, K.H. Nguyen, and Jason R. Rohr. 2020. Effect of agrochemical exposure on Schistosoma mansoni cercariae survival and activity. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 39:1421-1428.
Erin L. Sauer, Jeremy M. Cohen, Marc J. Lajeunesse, Taegan A. McMahon, David J. Civitello, Sarah A. Knutie, Karena Nguyen, Elizabeth A. Roznik, Brittany F. Sears, Scott Bessler, Bryan K. Delius, Neal Halstead, Nicole Ortega, Matthew D. Venesky, Suzanne Young, and Jason R. Rohr. 2020. A meta-analysis reveals temperature, dose, life stage, and taxonomy influence host susceptibility to a fungal parasite. Ecology 101: e02979.
K.H. Nguyen, B.J. Gemmell, J.R. Rohr. 2020. Effects of temperature and viscosity on miracidial and cercarial movement of Schistosoma mansoni: ramifications for disease transmission. International Journal for Parasitology 50:153-159.
Full Publication List
- FIRST Scholars (131) have published 243 total papers
- The 110 Scholars who have completed the program (Past) have published 231 papers with 112 as first author, averaging 2.1 publications and 1.1 first author publications based on the 3-year training period
- Several Scholars published up to four (4) first author publications