What is a Peer Mentoring Group?
The peer mentoring program is an excellent addition to traditional one-on-one mentoring. It is highly beneficial with regard to increasing the mentoring available to faculty and increasing faculty members’ satisfaction with the mentorship process.
Peer mentoring groups consist of two or more faculty members with similar interests (e.g., integrated care; serious mental illness; addictions; trauma; etc.). Faculty within a group may differ with regard to rank or level of involvement in scholarship, service and teaching. Peer mentoring groups provide opportunities for faculty to support one another and advance career aspirations through networking, partnership and information sharing. Peer mentoring facilitates community formation, and it is not a lot of extra work.
Peer mentoring groups “meet” monthly on the phone/via other virtual means so we can include faculty from all sites and disciplines/specialties. In addition to mentoring, guiding and supporting one another, more senior faculty members often are invited to consult/join calls on an as needed basis.
Current Peer Mentoring Groups
- Integrated Care/Health Psychology/CL Psychiatry Peer Mentoring Group: Co-Facilitated by Rachel Ammirati, PhD and Anjan Bhattacharyya, MD
- Substance Use Disorders Peer Mentoring Group: Co-Facilitated by Mary Elizabeth “Beth” Hammons, PhD and Laura Watkins, PhD
- Technology in Behavioral Science and Practice Peer Mentoring Group: Co-Facilitated by Andrew Sherrill, PhD and Courtland Hyatt, PhD
Faculty interested in starting a new group, or joining an existing group, should contact Rachel Ammirati, PhD, ABPP.