The Bite-Sized Teaching (BST) conference is a novel resident-taught lecture series that provides high-yield, engaging lectures in a time-efficient and memorable manner. In the BST conference, three trainees give 8-minute talks during a noon conference related to the theme of the day, followed by Q&A. A faculty coach is assigned to each trainee to mentor them in content selection, innovative use of audiovisual materials, and lecture delivery. The content is developed with the idea in mind of educating trainees on important topics within psychiatry.
Our audience survey feedback indicates that learners appreciate the brevity and creativity of these lectures and their shorter format. By using residents as teachers, this conference format has the added benefit of providing residents with the opportunity to grow as educators and develop their public speaking skills.
Recent presentations at the BST conference have included:
Navigating Challenges in Psychiatry: Medications, Ethics, and Recovery
- Case of Wellbutrin Toxicity and Dealing with Antidepressant Side Effects (presenter: Levi Brice Edouna Obama, MD)
- Psychiatry as a Tool of Social Control: Ethical Reflections in a Capitalist System (presenter: Danielle Quinn, MD)
- Pathways to Recovery: An Interdisciplinary and Stepwise Approach to Management of Eating Disorders (presenter: Caitlin Smith, MD)
Quality Improvement Projects
- VA QI Project: Supporting a Culture of Safety at Atlanta VAMC (presenters: Alejandra Grullón, MD, Cris Hanacek, DO, Mary Margaret LaVigne, MD, Kathleen Loughran, MD, Caitlin Smith, MD)
- Grady QI Project: Return to Sender: Improving the Park Place Patient Referral Process (presenters: Elizabeth Chang, MD, Eric Galante, MD, Mackenzie Jones, MD, MPH, Scott Koller, MD, Lindsey Limbaugh, MD, Nora Loughry, MD, Katerina Saker, MD, Michael McGrath, MD, Patrick O’Connell,MD, Sumeet Sharma, MD, PhD, Maggie To, MD)
- Reflections on Mental Health and Psychiatric Practice in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (presenter: Justin Trop, MD, MSc)
- Caring Contacts: A Simple Yet Effective Tool for Suicide Prevention (presenter: Danielle Currin, MA, CPhil)
- Salutogenesis and Suicide (presenter: Mackenzie Jones, MD, MPH)
- Allowing Patients to Die: Ethics and Psychiatry and Withdrawal of Life Sustaining Care and Medical Aid in Dying (presenter: Nicholas Thompson, MD, MPH)
Quality Improvement Projects
- VA QI Project: Obstructive Sleep Apnea in the Psychiatric Clinical Setting (presenters: Nicholas Thompson, MD, MPH, Jack Borkovich, MD, JJ Reitz, MD, Tyler Vanderhoof, MD)
- Grady QI Project: Smoking Cessation in the Grady Outpatient Setting (presenters: Justin Trop, MD, MSC, Hannah Albritton, MD, Zachary Bosshardt, MD, Chaewon Im, MD, Nora Loughry, MD, Brandon Sims, MD, Absar Tahir, MD, Margaret Wohlleber, MD)
- Beneficence and Do No Harm, Reflections on Quality and Global Health (presenter: John Deppe, MD)
Providing Culturally and Religiously Considerate Care
- Mental Health Care for Muslim Patients (presenter: Najeah Okashah, MD, PhD)
- Drumming in Your Patient’s Circle: a Story of Dialogic Values and Cultural Compassion in Patients Experiencing Psychosis (presenter: Bradley Rosenkrantz, MD)
- Explanatory Models in Mental Illness (presenter: Justin Trop, MD, MPH)
BST: Be Safe out There
- Philosophy and Dialog: Finding Safety in Conversation (presenter: Alejandra Grullón, MD)
- The Impact of Environmental Design on Staff Safety (presenter: Scott Hickman, MD)
- Preventing Violence in the Psychiatric Setting: A Brief, Practical Review on De-escalation Tools (presenter: Tyler Vanderhoof, MD)
Staying Up To Date: DSM-5-TR and Updates in TMS
- Will it Ever End? A Look at Prolonged Grief Disorder (presenter: Joel Eisenberg, MD)
- SAINTly Promises: Updates in TMS (presenter: Karen Giles, MD)
- DSM-5: History, Challenges and Future Directions (presenter: Charlotte Van Hale, MD)
High Yield Interventions and Evaluations
- Bullseye: Improving your AIMS (presenter: John Deppe, MD)
- I notice that my mind is telling me “I don’t have time for therapy during med management visits” (presenter: Aniket Malhotra, MBBS)
- "Ordinary Magic:" Buffering ACEs with PACEs (presenter: Margaret Wohlleber, MD)
Psychotic Disorders
- Migration and Psychosis (presenter: Alejandra Grullón, MD)
- The Role of Neighborhoods in Predicting Psychosis Risk (presenter: Benson Ku, MD)
- A Successful Clozapine Rechallenge in a Patient with Presumed Clozapine Induced Myocarditis (presenter: Bradley Rosenkrantz, MD)
Our Physical Bodies: Inside, Outside and Growing
- It’s time to Have the Talk About Borderline Personality Disorder (presenter: Sehar Jessani, MD)
- The Role of the Psychiatrist in Gender-Affirming Care (presenter: Kathryn Bertacchi, MBchB)
- Serotonergic Nootropics and Supplements and Their Risks (presenter: Paulina Kaiser, MD)
Interesting Patient Vignettes
- Now You See Me: A Reminder for the Importance of Cultural Assessments in Psychiatry (presenter: Philip Bowers, MD)
- Treatment-Resistant Psychiatric Manifestations of Cushing’s Disease (presenter: Chance Ortego, MD)
- Brain on Fire: A Case of Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis (presenter: Bradley Rosenkrantz, MD)
Psychiatry in a Global Health Crisis
- Collateral Damage: COVID-19 and the CNS (presenter: Karen Giles, MD)
- Delivery of Inpatient Psychiatric Care and Challenges During COVID-19 (presenter: Aniket Malhotra, MBBS)
- "Are You There?": Understanding Therapeutic Alliance in Virtual Encounters (presenter: Joseph Vinson, MD)
- Racial Disparities in Schizophrenia Diagnosis (presenter: Jennifer Grant, MD, PhD)
- Psychological Impacts of Residential Mobility (presenter: Benson Ku, MD)
- The Impact of Racial/Ethnic Matching on Therapeutic Alliance (presenter: Carolina Medeiros, MD)
Feedback from Attendees
- “I enjoyed the opportunity to learn directly from my colleagues.”
- “The multiple, short presentations were engaging and kept my attention.”
- “Brings together residents and faculty at all levels.”
- “Short, sweet, to the point.”
- “Fun, quick facts, resident driven.”
- “Short, easy to digest and stay focused.”
- “Good effort by residents, fun to see different styles.”
- “Timely, informative, relevant.”
- “Great review of current topics in psychiatry.”
- “Engaging and memorable presentations.”