The seminar serves as a fundamental part of the residency curriculum and aims to achieve the following objectives: (1) promote an enriched understanding of theory of mind, (2) foster more nuanced and complex interpretations and understandings, (3) draw attention to those crucial aspects of a story that sit below the surface, (4) involve residents in the experience of the human condition in profound though not necessarily scientific ways, and (5) allow residents to engage with others’ emotions, thoughts, and desires, while doing so safely in an experimental, communal setting free of both the risks and constraints of real-world enactments and the worries entailed in working with psychiatrically ill patients.
Furman, AC, Hudson, WH Humanities Revisited: Integrating the Humanities in Psychiatric Residency Training. Academic Psychiatry Dec 41(6): 715-718, 2017
This course was highlighted in season 1, episode 4 of “Your Fantastic Mind:"