Mission Statement
The mission of DISC is to foster and ensure the sustainability of a diverse, equitable, inclusive and socially just culture in which all members of the department feel respected, supported and valued; are recognized for their unique and collective contributions; feel safe and brave enough to engage in dialogue, question, learn and grow; can contribute meaningfully and to their fullest potential; and have a sense of belonging within the departmental community.
Goals and Activities
To achieve this mission and in alignment with the four pillars of the Emory School of Medicine Office of Equity and Inclusion the goals and associated activities of DISC are as follows:
- Promote Awareness, Learning, and Growing
- Educate members of the department community and relevant stakeholders regarding diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI) and social justice through grand rounds, seminars and trainings, cultural case conferences, curricular initiatives, affinity month highlights, cultural kudos, hate crimes communications, anti-racism guides, diversity dialogues and diversity consultation service, etc.
- Increase the cultural responsiveness of departmental activities and services
- Foster an Inclusive Climate and Culture
- Secure and maintain a diverse, inclusive and equitable workforce
- Provide ongoing opportunities for sharing cultural stories, experiences and perspectives (e.g., DISC diversity moments, diversity dinners)
- Sponsor initiatives that support and celebrate diverse social identities (e.g., pronoun initiative, trans-friendly mental health provider list)
- Host department-wide affinity groups
- Create a shared understanding and strategy for addressing identity related aggressions/microaggressions
- Prioritize Community Engagement
- Engage in social justice advocacy in partnership with the Atlanta Behavioral Health Advocates
- Educate the broader community about the intersections among DEI, social justice and behavioral health through presentations, podcasts, etc.
- Collaborate with health organizations that serve the local refugee and immigrant communities
- Engage in Research and Innovation
- Support the conduct and dissemination (e.g., presentations, publications, blogs) of innovative scholarly, teaching, and service-related behavioral sciences projects and programs
- Establish, monitor, and sustain departmental accountability for short and long-term progress in DEI and social justice efforts