Department of Family and Preventive Medicine

Event Funding Guidelines

  • All funding requests must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the event.
  • Email applications to with #PCCSponsorship in the subject line.
  • The SC reviews requests for funding provided under this category, after receipt of a completed funding request proposal. Every student or group has the right to submit an appeal of the decision of the PCC SC to the PCC Director.
  • There must be a single Emory-affiliated individual per event/activity, designated by the group requesting the funds, who will be responsible for receiving and disbursing funds. This person will be responsible for seeing that the funds are disbursed in a proper manner as detailed in the request and that the conditions listed below are carried out as stated. Funds will only be disbursed to this individual for each event/activity.
  • Events must be advertised in English including the date, time, location, sponsoring group(s) (including the Emory Primary Care Consortium), and description of the event. Other information included in the advertisement may be in any language.
  • All advertisement of Emory Care Consortium sponsored events must include acknowledgment of the Emory Care Consortium "sponsorship" and include our logo on all advertisement materials for any activities/events sponsored by the PCC. A Word document with both horizontal and vertical logos in a .png file format will be included in the Emory Primary Care Consortium sponsorship decision email.
  • After completion of each activity/event that is sponsored, the requestor is required to submit a completed “Emory Primary Care Consortium Sponsorship Reporting Form.” One form is to be used for each activity/event that is funded; multiple forms are required if the funding covers multiple activities/events.

Communicating activities/events

The Emory Primary Care Consortium will highlight all Emory Primary Care Consortium sponsored activities/events through communication channels including quarterly Emory Care Consortium newsletters, the PCC website, the PCC Annual Report, and various Emory social media accounts. Additionally, requesters are encouraged to take photos of all sponsored activities/events and submit the photos with the “PCC Sponsorship Reporting Form” for inclusion in PCC marketing materials.