Welcome to the Emory Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit
Dedicated to Research and Education for Patients suffering from Stress-Related Illnesses
J. Douglas Bremner, MD, Director
Who We Are
We are a research group funded by the National Institutes of Health, Veterans Administration, and Department of Defense. We perform research on the brain and neurobiological correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depression, anxiety disorders, dissociation, mild traumatic brain injury and addictions, and mechanisms of stress in cardiovascular disease. Our mission is to understand how stress affects the brain and leads to mental disorders and addictions, affects heart disease, and ways to translate this knowledge into new treatments. Contact the lab via email for more information.
- List of ECNRU Staff and Contact information
- Current Studies at the ECNRU
- List of instruments including the ETI and CADSS
- List of ECNRU publications
- Dr. Bremner's bio and personal web site
- Dr. Bremner's books including: Before You Take That Pill, Does Stress Damage the Brain? Brain Imaging Handbook, You Can’t Just Snap Out of It, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: From Neurobiology to Treatment, and Guiding Clients in Recovery from Psychological Trauma