The Atlanta Trauma Alliance (ATA) is a cross-departmental and cross-institutional coalition of basic, translational, and clinical researchers from multiple specialties and disciplines. These scholars are interested in studying the biological, psychological, social, and cultural risk and protective factors associated with trauma exposure and recovery from trauma. They also are invested in developing, evaluating, and disseminating culturally relevant trauma-focused interventions for individuals across the life-span with a history of trauma exposure (e.g., childhood maltreatment, intimate partner violence) who manifest psychological difficulties (e.g., PTSD, dissociation, suicidal behavior) and/or physical problems (e.g., cancer, chronic pain, Type 2 diabetes mellitus). Members of the ATA also are engaged actively in training future generations of trauma researchers and clinicians, including undergraduate students, graduate students from multiple fields, doctoral interns, and postdoctoral residents/fellows. The ATA includes and builds upon two major trauma-related programs based primarily at Grady Health System, the Grady Trauma Project and the Nia Project.
Mission Statement
The mission of the transdisciplinary Atlanta Trauma Alliance (ATA) is to utilize an innovative bio-psycho-social-cultural approach to understand trauma-related risk and resilience; prevent and treat the adverse behavioral and physical health sequelae of trauma experience across the lifespan and across generations in a high-risk population; and train compassionate and culturally responsive trauma-informed practitioners, scholars and advocate.