Youth and Family TREE stands for Enhancement and Expansion of Treatment and Recovery Services for Adolescents, Transitional Aged Youth and their Families. This is a specialized program that aims to help support teens and young adults, ages 14 to 25, who struggle with substance use and mental health conditions.
Background Information

Substance use disorder is a treatable mental disorder that affects the brain and a person's behavior in a way that leads to them being unable to control their use of substances. These substances can include legal or illegal drugs, alcohol or medications. Symptoms can range from moderate to severe. Addiction is the most severe form of the disorder.
Youth and Family TREE is a comprehensive, specialized clinic for young adults between the ages of 14 to 25 experiencing substance use disorder and other mental health conditions.
Our goal is to enhance and expand early intervention, comprehensive treatment and recovery support for youth with substance use disorders, substance use disorders that co-occur with mental disorders and their families/primary caregivers
Youth and Family Tree is staffed by an interdisciplinary team consisting of psychiatrists, psychologists, certified alcohol and drug counselors, outreach specialists and case managers.
This program is funded by the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health, SAMHSA and the Sparks Foundation and will offer services for up to five years.