
Active participation in all aspects of the medical education program is critical to students' development as physicians. Attendance is strongly encouraged at all scheduled activities and is mandatory at all small group sessions, preceptorships, laboratory experiences, patient presentations, and any other educational activities designated as required.


We strongly recommend students to be present for ALL educational activities. For many of the educational sessions, attendance is required.

Academic Integrity

The students, faculty, and administration of the Emory University School of Medicine join together in support of this MD Student Honor Code for the purposes of (a) providing an atmosphere of mutual trust, concern, and respect; (b) fostering honorable and ethical behavior; and c) cultivating lifelong professional conduct.

Student Records

The official record of each Emory University School of Medicine student is maintained in the School of Medicine.

Policies and Procedures for Students with Disabilities

Emory University provides all persons an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from programs and services afforded to others. Students requiring accommodations are referred to the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS).

Clinical Placement Reassignment and Schedule Changes

The School of Medicine considers student requests for clinical placement reassignments and schedule changes.

Graduation Requirements for the MD Degree

The Emory University School of Medicine Curriculum Committee has stated the outcomes of the MD program in terms of the activities characteristic of a physician that students will learn and do.

Leaves/Interruption of Medical Education

Requests for a leave may be granted by the Executive Associate Dean for Medical Education and Student Affairs or his/her designee or when recommended by a faculty committee.

Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)

The MSPE ("Dean's Letter") is prepared for all senior students by the Associate or Assistant Dean for Clinical Education and Student Affairs. The document is a key part of the residency application packet.

National Standardized Examinations

NBME Subject Examinations are an important part of the educational process, evaluating the performance of a large, representative group of examinees at the same stage of training. These exams are used throughout the curriculum as one part of the evaluation process.

End of Applications Objective Structured Clinical Exam

Emory University SOM requires a final (End of Application Phase) comprehensive OSCE examination outside of the required clinical clerkships to assess the clinical and diagnostic reasoning skills of students.

Progress and Promotions

A student is considered to be achieving satisfactory academic progress as long as he or she passes the sequence of course and clerkships established by the Curriculum Committee and meets the performance standards for the 28 SPAs as set by the Executive Curriculum Committee.

Registration, Cancellation, and Withdrawal

Every student is required to be registered prior to each academic year. Those who have not followed standard procedures in any way must present their plan of study for the entire medical course to the Dean or the Dean's designate for approval.

Feedback to Students

In addition to summative feedback, students receive frequent formative feedback throughout medical school to help in their progress in learning.

Student Assessment, Grading, and Grade Appeals

Assessments are measurements of student performance conducted using instruments such as written exams or observational checklists.


Assessments are used to identify those students who have not achieved minimal competency during a module: remediation is the process used to improve student performance and ensure that all students achieve the designated Student Physician Activities (SPAs) before moving on to the Application Phase of the curriculum.

Use of Student Feedback

Student evaluations of individual courses, clerkships, phases and the MD program as a whole is essential to improving the education experience.

Last Modified: 7/15/2024